City on a Hill’s vision is a world free from poverty in all of its forms, where all children and families can thrive, regardless of background.

"Thanks to their burden-free solutions, I've seized control of my family's health and financial well-being. Real change is indeed possible!"

- Rachel

Young professional female drinking coffee while reading tablet.

Turn Struggles into Strengths! Unlock your Potential! Our immersive experiences don't just teach you, they transform you. Jumpstart your journey from surviving to thriving - with us, transform your struggles into fuel for progress!


Rise Together, Transform Together! Join our empowering learning community and be a part of the solution. Together, we aim to eliminate urban poverty, fostering a brighter future for all. Your transformation starts here!


Become a Hopeful Leader, Ignite Change! Dive into our learning experiences and emerge as a proactive leader. Rooted in love, listening, leading, and learning, we nurture resilience, inspiring you to choose the path of positive change over the easy way out.

From Our Team to You

Discover, Grow, Transform with City on a Hill! We're more than just a training organization - we're a community committed to restoring hope, advancing justice, and enhancing life quality across generations. Inspired by a philosophy of healing and progress, we believe that each individual, in their unique diversity, is a vital piece of the puzzle to combat generational poverty. Our training programs are tailored to empower you to unearth your purpose, live a wholesome life, and step up as a dynamic leader. Join us, and together, let's create a brighter, hope-filled future for all!